On Monday 12th February, a new initiative is starting at St Wilfrid’s Catholic High School, to ensure that all classes are able to start the day with prayer. The initiative, entitled ‘E-pray’, will mean that all staff will receive a daily e-mail with a prayer relating to the prayer theme of the week. The prayers will be incorporated into the regular start of day routine that takes place during the first lesson of the day.
Mrs Gilroy, Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Chaplaincy, said that following research among staff and students aimed at ensuring that regular collective worship was taking place at school, it was clear that having a morning focus based around the theme of the week would enable prayer to take place more regularly and more effectively.
E-pray follows on from the School prayer book, which is produced on a half-termly basis to assist Form Tutors and Heads of Year in organising collective worship during afternoon tutorials and assemblies.
Phil Russell
Lay Chaplian