Tuesday 13th March Jason Bangbala led the staff in their INSET on behaviour for learning. He was a very charismatic speaker whom enthused and motivated staff to experiment with a positive approach to learning. Staff welcomed the training day and some have stated ‘It was the best INSET ever’ and ‘We should have more INSET like this’. Jason will return to the school next academic year to work with teams of people on behaviour for learning strategies.
Here are just some of the pointers he provided:
Behaviour for learning pointers
Believe you can make a difference
Be calm
Plan for the behaviour before it happens
Focus on the good pupils
Praise good behaviour
Reward good behaviour
Focus on what pupils should be doing
Give pupils escape routes and options/choices
Give pupils responsibility for their own behaviour
Be consistent – take the action you promise
Intervene quickly and calmly when inappropriate behaviour occurs – don’t let it escalate
Don’t take inappropriate behaviour personally
Be non confrontational
Avoid shouting – be assertive not aggressive
Have a sense of humour
Enjoy what you are doing
Be positive
Use smile therapy
Body language
Here are just some of the pointers he provided:
Behaviour for learning pointers
Believe you can make a difference
Be calm
Plan for the behaviour before it happens
Focus on the good pupils
Praise good behaviour
Reward good behaviour
Focus on what pupils should be doing
Give pupils escape routes and options/choices
Give pupils responsibility for their own behaviour
Be consistent – take the action you promise
Intervene quickly and calmly when inappropriate behaviour occurs – don’t let it escalate
Don’t take inappropriate behaviour personally
Be non confrontational
Avoid shouting – be assertive not aggressive
Have a sense of humour
Enjoy what you are doing
Be positive
Use smile therapy
Body language